If you've found yourself overwhelmed with parenting advice, struggling to make long-term changes and feel stuck in a cycle of yelling and power struggles...


This is the opportunity for you.



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Meet Rachel Sklar

The Boy Mom Method™ impacts the ways boys act at school, in their communities, with their future partners and children, and how they will act towards others in their future workplaces. A key component of the method is about teaching boys to channel their power into healthy relationship dynamics instead of using it to control others.

When parents implement The Boy Mom Method™, they feel confident in themselves, deeply bonded to their sons, and inspired, not deterred, by their son’s strength of character and potential for leadership. Perhaps more importantly, their sons feel it too.

-LA Wire Article, Jan 24, 2024

The Only Parenting Program Designed Specifically For Parents of Strong-Willed Boys...

Providing Support, Guidance & Strategies To Transform Your Parenting Journey At a Budget-Friendly Price.



You want a kind, calm, and cooperative son... 

But right now, chaos reigns in your home. Your son may exhibit aggression, fight back frequently, struggle in school, and disrupt the harmony you long for.

You are smart, successful, and incredibly devoted to raising your son to be an incredible man...

But it's harder than you expected to get him to cooperate.




The solution isn't to change your son... it's to shift your approach.

Every boy is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn't work.

That's why The Boy Mom Method Membership offers a customized approach tailored specifically to your son's individual needs.

And right now you can enroll at the founder's rate of just $97 per month!


Everything You Get As A Member


Weekly Support Coaching

Join our Boy Mom Method Team every single week for in-the-moment coaching to help you skip the drama and quickly break through behavior challenges.

Value: $750



Daily Accountability

Parenting a strong-willed kid can feel incredibly isolating. Inside our community, stop by any time for support from parents & experts without judgment!

Value: $400



Monthly Seminar Series

Learn why your son behaves the way he does and how to respond in a way that improves connection and cooperation, delivered to your inbox monthly. 

Value: $275



Private Coaching Discounts

Active members can schedule one private coaching session per month with Rachel at a discounted rate of $250/hour (normally $350/hour).

Value: Unlimited


Also Includes 'The Boy Mom Method' Course

This 5-module video course will teach you the foundations of raising a calm, cooperative, and compassionate son, no matter what his behavior is like right now. Including video lessons, scripts, templates, and homework to ensure you're implementing what you're learning.

Value: $47


Total Value: $1,472


Choose Your Plan:

Annual Plan:
Just $80 per month

One-Time Payment of $970

Become An Annual Member

Monthly Plan:
Just $97 per month

Monthly payment of $97/month

Become A Monthly Member


When you join The Boy Mom Method™ Membership, you'll get instant access to resources designed to give you momentum at home right away. 

Become A Member For Just $97 Per Month Now!



Frequently Asked Questions


What Moms Are Saying About
The Boy Mom Method™


Raising kids takes a village... you don't have to do it alone.

Join The Boy Mom Method™ Membership to get expert advice and support from our community to help you raise a kind, calm, and cooperative son.

Join The Membership for Just $97 per month